The second masked ball in Königsleitn at the Litschauer MOMENT:
extraordinary and diverse!
Dance through the stylish ambience of the MOMENT in festive attire and with a mask, meet up with friends at one of the many bars or try your luck at the casino gaming table and support a good cause at the same time. With live music & dancing, tombola, DJ, casino and various bars. The famous BALLORCHESTER KRISPER and the funky newcomers from the Waldviertel SLICKS will be playing for you.
When you enter MOMENT, you will receive a mask as a ball donation. Your contribution at the gaming tables will benefit a charitable cause.
Dress code: festive ball attire. Tails are not mandatory.
The masks are lifted at midnight!
EUR 45,- for ball ticket + seat EUR 32,- for ball ticket
Would you like to stay overnight?
Copyright: Florian Kainz & Private
Contact us
Would you like to book the MOMENT as a location? We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Strandbadstraße 14, 3874 Litschau
Directions via Google Maps
Contact person
Nicole Auer