Lying in the meadow looking at the starry sky in August. Under the guidance and astronomical explanations of Hanna Kasperer.
7.8. & 8.8.2024
9:30 p.m.
approx. 23:15
Campfire site in the theater and vacation village Buchenstraße 1, 3874 Litschau
- Introduction to astronomy
- Firefly walk to the observation site (15 min)
- Orientation in the night sky, getting to know the most important constellations, interesting facts about planets, stars and galaxies
- End approx. 23:15
Wednesday, 7.8.2024
Thursday, 8.8.2024
Meeting point
21:30 – Campfire site in the theater and vacation village Buchenstraße 1, 3874 Litschau
- Please bring warm clothing and a mat (insulating mat or similar).
- Sturdy shoes recommended.
- The event only takes place in dry weather and with clear visibility.
Please register 2 days in advance on 02865 5393. Up-to-date information on the day of the event in the theater and vacation village.
Children € 7,- / Adults € 14,-
Would you like to stay overnight?
Extra tip: Do you love theater?
Contact us
Would you like to book the MOMENT as a location? We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Strandbadstraße 14, 3874 Litschau Directions via Google Maps
Contact person
Nicole Auer